Future events

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Past events

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08 - 10 July 2024 Conférence
International Conference on Computers for People with Special Needs 2024, Linz (Austria)

Presentation of the Flex Picture Ebook project. Conference. Academics, developers and manufacturers of assistive technologies. Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Österreich.

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08 February 2024 online meeting (zoom)
School inclusion, educational activities with pupils with sensory disabilities, online meeting (zoom) (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. Training course for specialisation in educational support activities for pupils with disabilities, stream A, University of Bolzano. 20 primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school teachers enrolled in the specialisation course to obtain the diploma of support teacher. University of Bolzano.

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25 January 2024 online meeting (zoom)
I.Ri.Fo.R. Toscana Course for teachers of guidance, autonomy and mobility, Online meeting (zoom) (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. ICF-CY social inclusion: courses for teachers of orientation, autonomy and mobility. Speech therapists.

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15 December 2023 Conférence
AbilNova conference: "Quindi ci siamo!", Trento (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. AbilNova conference. For doctors, teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, parents… Centro Studi Erickson, via del Pioppetto 24, Trento.

La Dott.ssa Roberta Zumiani e la Dott.ssa Enrica Polato  davanti a un enorme pannello che riporta una grande "Q", simbolo del Convegno "La Qualità dell'inclusione scolastica e sociale" e tutti i nomi dei partecipanti.
09 December 2023 Conférence
Conference on "Special didactics and learning for the visually impaired" given by E. Polato, Padova (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. Photo of the lesson on visual impairment given by Enrica Polato during the TFA support course at the University of Padua, Channel A. The 200 students, shown from behind, are seated in two rows separated by a corridor. At the end of the corridor is the chair where Enrica Polato […]

Photos de la conférence sur la déficience visuelle donnée par Enrica Polato lors du cours de soutien à la TFA à l'université de Padoue, canal B. Les 200 étudiants sont représentés de dos. Au fond de la salle de classe se trouve la chaise où Enrica Polato présente le projet Flex Picture E.Book, à l'aide de diapositives projetées sur l'écran situé derrière elle.
09 December 2023 Conférence
National conference: school quality and social inclusion, Rimini (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. Special educational needs and tools for inclusive teaching. For carers: teachers, psychologists, speech therapists, social workers, parents, etc. Palacongressi di Rimini, Via della Fiera, 23, Rimini.

Photos de la conférence sur la déficience visuelle donnée par Enrica Polato lors du cours de soutien à la TFA à l'université de Padoue, canal B. Les 200 étudiants sont représentés de dos. Au fond de la salle de classe se trouve la chaise où Enrica Polato présente le projet Flex Picture E.Book, à l'aide de diapositives projetées sur l'écran situé derrière elle.
09 December 2023 Conférence
Conference on "Special didactics and learning for sensory disabilities - Visual impairment" given by E. Polato? Padova (Italy)

Presentation of the Flex picture book. Training course for the specialisation in educational support activities for disabled pupils, stream B, University of Padua. 200 trainees (primary, middle and secondary school teachers) enrolled in the specialisation course to obtain the diploma of support teacher. University of Padua, Complesso Didattico Piovego, via Ugo Bassi, aula D.

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24 November 2023 online meeting (zoom)
School inclusion, educational activities with pupils with sensory disabilities, online meeting (zoom) (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. Training course for specialisation in educational support activities for pupils with disabilities, stream A, University of Bolzano. 20 primary, lower secondary and upper secondary school teachers enrolled in the specialisation course to obtain the diploma of support teacher. University of Bolzano.

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17 - 19 November 2023 Workshop
14th International Conference "School Quality and Social Integration", organised by the Erickson Study Centre (Trento), Rimini (Italy)

Playing and reading together… while respecting specificities. Workshops and books for and with children. Photo of the presentation of the Flex Picture Ebook project: on a giant screen is projected the slide listing the 4 partner countries of the project and the 6 organisations: For Austria, the Johannes Kepler University (JKU) in Linz; for Italy, […]

La présentation du projet Flex Picture Ebook a lieu dans la Sala Borsa de Bologne, dans une vaste cour couverte entourée de colonnes. Le public, assis, est représenté de dos. Sur scène se trouvent la modératrice de la table ronde, le professeur Valeria Friso de l'université de Bologne, Stefano Alfano de la Federazione Nazionale delle Istituzioni Pro Ciechi (Fédération nationale des institutions pour aveugles) et Enrica Polato qui, micro à la main, présente le ppt "Quand le livre s'adapte à l'enfant (également malvoyant) et non l'inverse", projeté sur l'écran situé derrière eux.
26 - 28 October 2023 Round table, Table ronde
7th "Tocca a te!" national illustrated tactile publishing competition, Bologna (Italy)

When books adapt to children (even visually impaired children) and not the other way round: presentation of “Leo wants a bat” epub. Poster for the round table “Illustrated tactile books, pages for all: the state of the art” organised in Bologna, in the SalaBorsa library, on Saturday 28 October from 16:00 to 19:00. Programme: Welcome […]

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17 October 2023 - 20 June 2024 Training
Basic course for entertainers, Trento (Italy)

Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook. Training course for the Specialisation in educational support activities for pupils with sensory disabilities. Course for 30 school educators specialising in sensory disabilities. AbilNova Cooperative.

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16 October 2023 Conférence
Presentation of the project as part of the "Assistive Technologies" theme, Linz (Austria)

Presentation of the Flex Picture Ebook project and the “Émile” FPB. Conference on examples of assistive technologies and adapted educational material. Bachelor’s and Master’s students in the field of information technology. Hochschulfondsgebäude 9901, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Altenberger Straße 69, 4040 Linz, Österreich.

presentation in an amphitheatre with the help of a projector, on the board we see information presenting the digital book and a woman speaks
01 July 2024

On February 24, 2024, the Lithuanian Blind and Visually Impaired Education Center participated in the United Eye Diseases Conference 2024 – student conference for the second year in a row. During the workshops  “The world through the eyes of a visually impaired child”, we had the opportunity to present not only the possibilities of using […]