Flex Picture eBook

Ebooks made for inclusive learning

Existing teaching materials often do not meet the specific needs of children with disabilities. Moreover, adapted books are often expensive and pose problems when it comes to integrating them into inclusive educational environments.

In partnership with digital accessibility experts, educators and a children’s book publisher, this project aims to design an illustrated digital book that is accessible to all children, including those with disabilities. In addition to the text to be configured, a “Flex Picture Ebook” includes adapted illustrations with several levels of simplification, interactive elements and an audio narration, while remaining affordable. A quick demonstration of how to set up the “Simplify”, “Isolate”, “Animate” and “Zoom” illustrations can be found on this page.

By adopting this approach, the project aims to improve inclusive education, providing a more complete experience for all children. This will be achieved by increasing the availability and quality of accessible digital children’s books, which fit seamlessly into inclusive learning environments.

The main expected results :

  • Flex Picture Ebook prototype “Émile veut une chauve-souris” (Text by V. Cuvellier and illustrations by R. Badel) in 5 languages.
  • Educational scenarios tested for the use of the Flex Picture Ebook prototype in classrooms.
  •  Tools and guidelines to improve the creation of books based on the Flex Picture Ebook concept. Tools and guidelines to improve the creation of books based on the Flex Picture Ebook concept.
  • Training for content producers to promote the publication of books based on the Flex Picture Ebook concept.
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Future events

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02 December 2024
JETDV 2024 à Paris

Présentation des ressources Flex Picture Ebook à 10h30, lors de la table ronde « Lire sans frontières : l’accès au livre pour tous », avec le  Ministère de la Culture et l’Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle (WIPO).

Les Doigts Qui Rêvent
Institut des Jeunes Aveugles de Toulouse
Université Johannes Kepler
Fondation Robert Hollman

The partners

This project brings together 7 structures from 4 European countries: France (FR), Austria (AT), Italy (IT) and Lithuania (LT).

  • Institutes specialising in educational support for children with sensory and/or intellectual disabilities: Institut des Jeunes Aveugles de Toulouse (FR), Ludosens (FR), Fondation Robert Hollman (IT), AbilNova (IT), Lasuc (LT),
  • A research laboratory specialising in e-accessibility: Johannes Kepler University, Linz (AT),
  • A specialist publishing house: Les Doigts qui rêvent (FR), the project sponsor.


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