Conference on “Special didactics and learning for the visually impaired” given by E. Polato, Padova (Italy)
09 December 2023
Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook.
Photo of the lesson on visual impairment given by Enrica Polato during the TFA support course at the University of Padua, Channel A. The 200 students, shown from behind, are seated in two rows separated by a corridor. At the end of the corridor is the chair where Enrica Polato presents the Flex Picture E.Book project, using slides projected onto the screen behind her.
Training course for the specialisation in tutoring activities for disabled pupils, course A, University of Padua.
200 trainees (pre-school, primary, secondary and high school teachers) enrolled in the specialisation course for the diploma of support teacher.
University of Padua, Piovego teaching complex, via Ugo Bassi, classroom D.