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How do I read an extract from our EPUB3?

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On Ipad / MAC:  Books application
On Android:  Reasily / Readium Mobile application
On PC: Thorium application

To download an extract from our EPUB3

In English:

Download an extract from EPUB3 “Ben wants a bat” (extract)

In French:

Download an extract from EPUB3 “Émile veut une chauve-souris” (extrait).
The French version is published in full by Les Doigts Qui Rêvent and distributed to online booksellers via Immatériel.

In German:

Download an extract from EPUB3 “Ben will eine Fledermaus” (auszug)

In Italian:

Download an extract from EPUB3 “Leo vuole un pipistrello” (estratto)

In Lithuanian:

Download an extract from EPUB3 “Emilis nori šikšnosparnio” (ištrauka)