Notre partenaire lituanien présentera le projet Flex Picture Ebook lors d’une journée de formation d’enseignants assistants au LASUC (Lietuvos aklųjų ir silpnaregių ugdymo centras ou Centre d’éducation lituanien pour les aveugles et les malvoyants) à Vilnius.
On February 24, 2024, the Lithuanian Blind and Visually Impaired Education Center participated in the United Eye Diseases Conference 2024 – student conference for the second year in a row. During the workshops “The world through the eyes of a visually impaired child”, we had the opportunity to present not only the possibilities of using digital tools in the education of visually impaired students, but also to talk about the efforts to make digital books accessible to blind and partially sighted children. The Erasmus + project “Flex picture ebook” was presented to the conference participants, it was explained why accessible digital content is needed, what the EPUB format is and how efforts are made to increase the understanding and perception of text and illustrations by adapting the book format to the individual needs of children.