When books adapt to children (even visually impaired children) and not the other way round: presentation of “Leo wants a bat” epub.
Poster for the round table “Illustrated tactile books, pages for all: the state of the art” organised in Bologna, in the SalaBorsa library, on Saturday 28 October from 16:00 to 19:00. Programme: Welcome by Pier Michele Borra. Moderator: Valeria Friso. Speakers: Giancarlo Abba, Pietro Vecchiarelli, Roberta Bridda, Claudia Sorrenti, Maria Eleonora Reffo, Enrica Polato, Stefano Alfano. Above, the logos of SalaBorsa and the national “Tocca a te” competition; below, the logos of : Federazione Nazionale delle Istituzioni Pro Ciechi, Fondazione Robert Hollman, Istituto dei Ciechi Francesco Cavazza, under the patronage of the Municipality of Bologna and Nati per Leggere, in collaboration with Coinsulta tra Antiche Istituzioni Bolognesi, the Ministry of Culture, SVP Worlwide and Typhlo&Tactus. To the left of the written part of the poster is an image showing a number of tactile books.
The presentation of the Flex Picture Ebook project took place in Bologna’s Sala Borsa, in a vast covered courtyard surrounded by columns. The audience, seated, is shown from behind. On stage are the moderator of the round table, Professor Valeria Friso from the University of Bologna, Stefano Alfano from the Federazione Nazionale delle Istituzioni Pro Ciechi (National Federation of Institutions for the Blind) and Enrica Polato who, microphone in hand, presents the ppt “When the book adapts to the child (also visually impaired) and not the other way round”, projected on the screen behind them.
Round table “Illustrated tactile books, pages for everyone: the state of the art” (with the Robert Hollman Foundation and the Fédération nationale des institutions pour aveugles)
Meeting open to the public: teachers, typhlologists, artists, book authors, publishers, interested people of all ages.
Biblioteca Sala Borsa_ – Palazzo Comunale_ Piazza del Nettuno 3, Bologna