Presentation of Flex Picture Ebook.
The workshop took place in an amphitheatre at the University of Bologna. The photo shows the back of the classroom. Many of the students can be seen with their backs turned and a screen in the background. The video projector is projecting the image from the story “Léo veut une chauve-souris”, in which Léo is hanging upside down next to the bat. In front of the screen, Enrica Polato presents the story to the pupils epub.
Integrated course in special pedagogy for inclusion, Laboratory of special pedagogy for inclusion_ Single-cycle master’s degree in primary education, University of Bologna.
34 students from the single-cycle degree course in Primary Education Sciences at the University of Bologna, future pre-school and primary school teachers.
University of Bologna – Department of Educational Sciences G. M. Bertin _ via Filippo Re, 6,